Hydraulic 3 Way Draft
The Hydraulic 3 Way Drafting System is used to draft animals from the Pro-Chute into individual pens. They can be drafted straight through the unit, to the left or to the right. This unit can be used as a stand alone unit or added to your hydraulic Pro-Chute. Standard features include built in floor and heavy duty rubber lined
gates. The Drafting System can also be constructed to draft to up to five pens, as well as being set up to autodraft straight from your indicator information.
Above: Hydraulic 3 Way Draft
Manual 3 Way Draft
The Manual 3-Way Drafting System is designed to allow animals to be manually drafted in 3 different directions once they have been processed through the Pro-Cute. It allows the animals to be drafted either left, right or straight ahead which is all controlled by the hand levers located on the operating side. The Manual 3-Way Drafting System also features a man access area before the drafting gates to allow access to the front of the Pro-Chute.
Above: Manual 3 Way Draft